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Miracle weapon coconut

Actually, the coconut should be a staple food! Don't you think so? Today we introduce you to the valuable fruit in more detail and tell you how you can use the summer and beach-scented fruit for you and your dog.

In general, it should be said that the coconut...

  • ...is rich in nutrients such as iron, phosphorus, zinc, minerals and vitamins
  • ...contains protein and fiber, but hardly any sugar
  • ...is solid at room temperature and becomes liquid at approx. 23°C and above.
  • ...due to the high proportion of saturated fatty acids does not go rancid so quickly


The coconut oil/coconut fat is obtained from the dried kernel meat, the copra, of the coconut. Coconut fat is excellent for cooking and frying because it can be heated to high temperatures. Coconut oil:

  • promotes digestion and food absorption
  • is not stored in fat depots, but immediately enters energy metabolism
  • therefore it is a healthy and quick source of energy e.g. before jogging
  • strengthens the immune system against inflammatory symptoms
  • reduces the load on the pancreas, as no fat digesting enzymes are required
  • thereby also relieves the liver, since no bile is needed for digestion
  • can be used externally as care on dry and scabbed skin areas
  • contains lauric acid, which ticks do not like at all and thus acts as a good pelvic protection (from the inside and outside)

Add coconut oil to your dog's food regularly as an additional source of fat or to protect against ticks.
In summer, rub him on the ears and in the groin and armpit area with coconut fat to protect against ticks.

Coke shavings/flakes:
Coke shavings can be used as a natural protection against worms in your dog.
Add 1-2 tsp/per 10 kg body weight of the dog of coke shavings to the food every 3 months on 4-5 days/week run.